Saturday, October 5, 2019

Olympic games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Olympic games - Essay Example The aggregate tally of the individuals who watched London Olympics amounted to 219 million. Upon observation of this trend, the media house chose to maximize the hours of coverage. Therefore, NBC showed the London Olympics for a total of 5,535 hours (Moraes, 1). This exhibits the massive and rampant figure of persons watching the Olympics. The united Greeks were the historical perpetuators of the Olympics. Olympic Games had their foremost occurrence in Greece (Toohey, 11). Therefore, the Greece people were the custodians of this culture of games. From Greece, Olympic Games stretched to other parts of the globe. Therefore, Greece was the birthplace of the Olympic Games culture. Inhabitants of Greece cherished the Olympics immensely throughout the nation. Their Olympic events would register a very high number of attendance and attention from the public (Toohey, 12). Other nations therefore observed this culture and incepted it in their native calendars. Ancient Greece was therefore the initiator of the Olympic Games culture. Greece was the source of the Olympic culture from antiquity. In the ninth century BC, there was no other nation with the Olympics. Therefore, the ninth century BC marked the approximate era of Olympic Games culture initiation in Greece (Toohey, 11). These were the times of the Ancient Greece community. The Olympic Games were part of the Greece culture during these times. They were a portion of a sacred tradition called the ekecheiria. The sacred tradition was also called the truce (Toohey, 19). It would entail maximum observation of peace for the participants in the Olympic Games to enjoy a harmonious environment. The tradition also had an objective to allow foreigners into the nation and travel back safely. Due to this peaceful environment, foreigners would come to Ancient Greece; enjoy the Olympic Games and travel home safely (Toohey, 19). In 1896, the other nations realized the essence of the

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