Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Academy Award for Best Actor and Legal Issues Essay

At the dismiss of these instructions is a list of retri only whenory a a few(prenominal) of the hundreds of constabulary-related word pictures that be procurable on the market. You are free to map any law-related movie you like (with deuce EXCEPTIONS Double Jeopardy is NOT acceptable, because Hollywood got the sound issue comp permitely aggrieve and A Few Good workforce is limited to military law, so non really helpful for the world-wide population). (up to 50 points)PRINT YOUR NAME _________________________NAME OF picture show _________________________YEAR OF RELEASE _________________________DIRECTOR _________________________ of import ACTORS/ACTRESSES ___________________________________________________________________________________________________A. follow in a pageboy the FACTS of the aspect the movie is ab turn up. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________B Describe two signifi give noticet legal coreS that this movie brought up. (Remember that FACTS are not the same as legal cut backS. For example, in the movie THE ACCUSED, the fount played by Jodie Foster is set on in a tavern. That is unrivalled of the FACTS of the case. single of the legal ISSUES was the use of PLEA mountain the prosecutor was willing to let the rapists excuse bargain to lesser crimes.) ISSUE 1________________________________________________________ ISSUE 2________________________________________________________ C. Take either ISSUE 1 or ISSUE 2, and look up in a book in the NSCC subroutine library (or any other library or law library), or a legal web-site, as a part that gives you greater understanding of this issue, so that you can describe the general regularisation of law about this issue, and any significant exceptions. title of respect of Book used for reference______________________________________ or Website citation ___________________________________Author of Book___________________________________________________ right of first publication form_____________(be sure to use as current a source as possible) D. Describe in your feature words what you think the general rule of law is about this particular ISSUE (and significant exceptions), and why you think the general rule makes sense (or doesnt). ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ______________________ ______________________________________________________________________(on the hobby pages I necessitate put a short list of some of the many an(prenominal) law-related movies that you may want to look at but you do not do to stick to this list) Some suggestions for LAW-RELATED MOVIES TO control & REVIEWSome of the newer films may be available through Blockbuster or one of the other major boob tube rental outlets. For the older reals, you may have to look at one of the force rental shops like Video islet (top of Queen Anne Hill or on Fremont just South of 45th) or front man Video (5030 Roosevelt Way NE in the U District). 1. ORIGINAL INTENT (1991) with line Kristofferson, Candy Clark, Jay Richardson, Martin Sheen. Eviction of a dispossessed shelter. Landlord/Tenant issues. 2. THE ACCUSED (1988) with Jodie Foster & Kelly McGillis. aline story of a Massachusetts gang-rape case and follow-up case. Issues regarding admission of evidence, criminal prose cutions, victims rights. 3. THE VERDICT (1982) with Paul Newman, throng Mason and Charlotte Rampling. Alcoholic lawyer takes on a malpractice case. Possible unethical actions by attorneys on both sides of the case4. turnS RIB (1949) with Spencer Tracy & Katherine Hepburn. Husband and wife lawyers, on opposing sides of the same case. untainted comedy with good discussions of several legal issues. 5. INHERIT THE WIND (1960) with Spencer Tracy & Fredric Marsh. Based on the famous Scopes monkey trial, with a biota teacher on trial for act to teach the theory of evolution. A classic trial 6. TO KILL A flouter (1962) with Gregory Peck and Mary Badham. Small townsfolk Southern lawyer defends a dingy man accused of rape in pre-Civil Rights era. Attorney-client obligations, criminal trial issues. Somewhat outdated, but a classic nonetheless.7. YOUNG MR. capital of Nebraska (1939) with Henry Fonda (havent seen this one yet). 8. xii ANGRY MEN (1957) with Henry Fonda, lee J. Cobb, E.G . Marshall & Jack Klugman. CLASSIC gore film intense jury bitterness how a jury evaluates a case. This is the current There is a recent (1998 I think) version also with Keanu Reeves, but I dont know how it compares. 9. THE mental testing (1963) with Orson Welles, Anthony Perkins, Jeanne Moreau and Romy Schneider. Man arrested for an unexplained crime he is never told about 10. STATES ATTORNEY (1932) with John Barrymore (havent seen this one yet).11. SERGEANT RYKER (1968) with Lee Marvin, Vera Miles & Peter Graves. coquette Martial of soldier accused of treason. 12. immaculate WITNESS (1989) with Brian Dennehy, Aidan Quinn, Stockard Channing & Lara Harrington. Witness to mob remove put in jail for lying under oath social responsibility issues. 13. THE PAPER chase (1973) with Timothy Bottoms, John Houseman and Lindsay Wagner. righteousness students first year at Harvard Law School (mainly in contracts class). 14. L.A. LAW (1987) with Harry Hamlin, Susan Dey, Corbin Bernsen. Introduced the TV serial of the same name. 15. KRAMER VS. KRAMER (1979) with Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep. Divorce and child handle issues. 16. JUDGMENT AT NUREMBERG (1961) with Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster, Maximilian Schell, Richard Widmark, Marlene Dietrich and Judy Garland Nazi war crimes trial. 17. SHOOT FROM THE HIP (havent seen yet cant comment).18. MY cousin-german VINNY fairly recent comedy with a newly-licensed attorney representing a family member wrong accused of murder. It touches on a few serious legal issues regarding preparation for trial, still with the comedy. 19. ABSENCE OF MALICE (1981) with Paul Newman and crack cocaine Field. Freedom of the press and defamation of character. 20. curious (1987) with Cher and Dennis Quaid. Jury tampering, collusion, bribery of a regime official. 21. LOSING ISAIAH (1995) with Jessica Lange, Halle Berry, Samuel L. Jackson. Interracial adoption, child custody rights of biologic parents.22. MURDER IN THE FIRST (1995) w ith Kevin Bacon, Gary Oldham, Christian Slater. Cruel and unusual punishment in the Alcatraz prison jury nullification, federal jurisdiction. 23. provided CAUSE (1995) with Sean Connery, Blair Underwood, Laurence Fishburne Kate Capshaw, Ed Harris. Coercion of a confession murder, venue, Pro Bono Publico representation, conflict of interest. These are just a few of the hundreds of law-related movies out there. If you find other good law-related movies not listed above you think would be appropriate, let me know and well add it to this list

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